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Plants in the bedroom - Is it good or bad?

Do you know whether it is good to have plants in your bedroom?

Do you keep plants at home? If you do, you may have considered having them in your bedroom too. Plants do elevate the aesthetics and the mood of any living space. But is it good to have plants in the bedroom?

Plants can improve your mood, boost your creativity, reduce stress, increase productivity, and filter air pollutants. So it is natural to feel that plants can provide the same benefits in the bedroom. You are right to think that.

Most of us may not realise how important air quality is. The surfaces at home - walls, furniture, appliances, and other painted surfaces emit toxic compounds like formaldehyde and benzene.

Plants help purify the air in your home. They can absorb harmful gases through the pores in their leaves, filtering and cleaning the air you breathe every day. So it is natural to expect to have plants in the bedroom to bring us the benefits that they bring with them.

However, it is important to choose which plant or plants you plan to keep in your bedroom. You would be aware that plants absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. But at night this is reversed. But not all plants follow this system.

Some of them do give out oxygen at night. And some others have so much benefits when placed in the bedroom that the insignificant Carbon dioxide it gives out can be ignored.

You could consider one or more of the following plants for your bedroom.

1. Snake Plant (Mother-In-Law’s tongue)

(Sansevieria Trifasciata)

This plant is the editor's choice for the bedroom. It is an extremely low-maintenance tropical plant and can go without water for many days.


  • This plant produces oxygen at night and absorbs air pollutants

  • Can survive without direct sunlight.


  • This plant is toxic and should be kept out of reach of pets and children

  • It is a slow growing plant

2. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

This plant releases oxygen at night making it perfect for your bedroom and it is also one of the easiest plants to care for. You can go for three to four weeks without watering it and it will still survive and thrive.

These succulent plants are known for their many medicinal benefits; the juice from their leaves can be used for scrapes and burns when applied topically.


Filters indoor air during the day and night

You can go for 3 to 4 weeks without watering it


Needs 6 hours of bright indirect light

3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

These plants are perfect for a hanging planter. Propagates easily and is very effective in fighting air pollutants.

These plants should be kept in bright to moderate indirect sunlight and watered occasionally initially and once grown it can be watered moderately.

Upside of this plant:

  • Purifies the air, removing toxic pollutants and airborne irritants

  • Increase humidity in the room...

  • Very decorative indoors.

  • They are edible and therapeutic.

4. Rubber Plant

(Ficus elastica ‘Robusta’)

A low-maintenance beautiful plant with striking forest green leaves, it can absorb a lot of toxins from the air of your indoors and acts as a natural air purifier.

The round leaves of the rubber plant are also considered symbolic of wealth and financial growth in Vastu when placed in the correct zone of your house.

Bright, indirect light is ideal for growing this plant, but they are unusually tolerant of lower light spaces too.


  • No Allergic Properties

  • Helps Purify Air

  • Low Maintainance and easy to grow

  • Contains Anti-Inflammatory properties.

  • Improves indoor air quality

5. Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides)

The plant needs a little more high maintenance than the other plants,, but the extra care will be worth your while. Beautifully scented blossoms would make this a popular choice for the bedroom.

It is believed that these plants may help you relieve anxiety and get better quality sleep.

These plants should be placed in bright indirect sunlight and the soil must be continuously moist.

6. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

It is an aesthetic tropical plant used popularly indoors. This plant proves excellent in removing harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

One study found that this plant is one of the best plants for removing carbon dioxide from the air.

These palms grow best in bright indirect light when their soil is kept evenly moist.

Bedroom Benefit: Absorbs air pollutants — purifying indoor air

Care Tip: Bright indirect light; water regularly

Choose a plant that will suit your environment as well as be functionally useful.

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